Objetivos de aprendizagem e a sua compatibilidade com o método de ensino (conhecimentos, aptidões e competências a desenvolver pelos estudantes)
Students should acquire skills in:
Understanding the dynamics of conflict in organizations and its contextual assessment.
Understanding the relationship between conflict and change.
Acquisition of theoretical notions (models) about conflict and the dynamics of negotiation as a way of resolving organizational conflicts.
Understanding the meaning and dynamics of mediation as a way of resolving organizational conflicts and the role of leadership in conflict management.
Conteúdos programáticos
The globalized market and international negotiation
Skills of an International Negotiator
Negotiation principles applied to international business
Multicultural Aspects in International Negotiations
International Negotiation as risk, information and decision management
Challenge Barriers in International Negotiation
Successful Guidelines for an International Negotiation
Demonstração da coerência dos conteúdos programáticos com os objetivos de aprendizagem da unidade curricular
The learning objectives of the Curricular Unit include:
Understanding the negotiation processes, in which mediation can constitute a possible solution, both as a locus of organizational power and, consequently, application of the competences of an International negotiator
Determine forms of leadership, both as a locus of organizational power and, therefore, risk, information and decision management
Understanding of the theoretical model, which allow understanding the dynamics underlying the challenges of an international negotiation, and consequently its resolution.
Understanding the appropriate models, by correctly diagnosing situations conducive to the development of an international negotiation, and managing them appropriately.
Metodologias de ensino e de aprendizagem específicas da unidade curricular articuladas com o modelo pedagógico
In the face-to-face classes, the following teaching methodologies will be used:
Expository method
Demonstrative method
Participatory method
Active method
In synchronous distance classes, the following teaching methodologies will be used:
Expository method
Demonstrative method
Demonstração da coerência das metodologias de ensino e avaliação com os objetivos de aprendizagem da unidade curricular
The coherence of teaching methodologies goes through:
Preparation of students from a theoretical point of view (presentation of concepts and models.
Exposure of contents and their dynamism through the analysis of certain business realities, encouraging collective discussion.
Preparation of students from a practical point of view (diagnosis and problem solving, role play)
Perception of the contexts of change, whether the unfolding of the conflict itself, and the ways to resolve it, or the role of leadership in the management of conflict situations in an organizational environment, allowing for the evolution students throughout their learning process.
Bibliografia de consulta (existência obrigatória)
Antunes, S., Ribeiro, S., & Camisão, I. (2018). Negociação Internacional - Estratégias e Táticas. Sílabas & Desafios.
Carvalho, J. (2020). Negociação (6a ed.). Lisboa, Edições Sílabo, Lda.
Correia, A. D. (2014). Manual de Negociação Comercial/Industrial e Político-diplomática. (2a ed.). Lidel.
Júdice, J., & Falcão, P. (2018). À Conversa sobre Negociações: um diálogo sobre a arte negocial ao longo da história. Editora Dom Quixote.
Karrass, C. (2011). Negotiating effectively within your own organization. Karrass Limited.
Rego, A. (2010). Comunicação Pessoal e Organizacional - Teoria e Prática. Lidel.
Thompson, L. (2020). The Mind and the heart of the negotiator (7ª ed.). Pearson Education Inc.