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Geographic Information Systems

Code: LAG1261    Acronym: SIG
Scientific Area: Computer Sciences

Occurrence: 2023/24 - 2S

Teaching Area: Ciências Matemáticas - CM


Acronym Nº de Estudantes Plano de Estudos Academic Year Credits Horas Contacto Total Hours
LAGRON 55 Despacho n.º 5 60 140

Hours Actually Taught


Theoretical and Practical: 48,00


Theoretical and Practical: 48,00


Theoretical and Practical: 48,00

Teaching - Weekly Hours

Theoretical and Practical: 4,00

Type Teacher Classes Hours
Theoretical and Practical Totals 2 8,00
Albertina Maria Gomes Ferreira - ESA   4,00
Anabela Dias Ramalho Grifo - ESA   4,00

Teaching - Responsabilities

Teacher Responsabilidade
Albertina Maria Gomes Ferreira - ESA Responsável

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by the students)

Skills development and knowledge acquisition in geographical information systems context of so that students can identify key issues relating to the design, handling and use of these systems.
Another objective is to sensitize students to the importance of this issue in different application areas.


1. General considerations.
2. Spatial data structures: vector model, matrix model.
3. Visualization and data manipulation: visualization tools, symbols, labels.
4. Alphanumeric structures: models, visualization and manipulation of attributes, association operations; connection to databases.
5. Acquisition and data editing: types of acquisition, editing tools.
6. Selection and inquiry operations: interactive; by attributes; by location.
7. Georeferencing: coordinate systems, cartographic projections.
8. Geoprocessing tools.
9. Maps production.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit's learning objectives

Integrative approach of the geographic information systems with the conception of projects using GIS tools and data that enable the achievement of the curricular unit purposes.

Teaching methodologies (including evaluation)

Theoretical-practical classes with explanatory content and practical development. In these works, the student must apply the acquired knowledge to real situations using the tools available.

Periodic assessment: 2 practical tests (PT).
Admission conditions to final exam: be enrolled in the course unit.
Final grade: PT average >= 10 out 20, with no evaluation elements lower than 8.

Final exam: practical test.

In all practical tests it is required an enrollment until 3 days before the respective test.

Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes

The concepts and theories exposed in classes will be applied in practical work development.
Additional work should be performed self-study, with and without tutorial support.

Bibliography (Mandatory resources)

Bolstad, P. (2016). GIS fundamentals: A first text on geographic information systems. 5th Edition. Eider Press: White Bear Lake, Minnesota, 784 pp.
Dalla Corte, A. et al. (2020). Explorando o QGIS 3.X. 1ª ed. Curitiba: Ed. dos autores, 396 pp.
Matos, J. (2008). Fundamentos de Informação Geográfica. (5ª ed.). Lisboa: Lidel, 424 pp.
McHaffie, P.; Hwang, S.; Follett, C. (2018). GIS: An Introduction to Mapping Technologies. (1st ed.). Boca Raton: CRC Press. 348 pp.
Secretaria de Estado de Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável de Minas Gerais. (2019). Praticas em geoprocessamento com o QGIS. 2ª ed. Belo Horizonte: Semad. 123 pp.
Wise, S. (2013). GIS Fundamentals. (2nd ed.). Boca Raton: CRC Press. 338 pp.