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Você está em: Início > Programmes > Curricular Units > LNI43
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Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Code: LNI43    Acronym: IE
Scientific Area:

Occurrence: 2023/24 - 1S

Teaching Area: Gestão


Acronym Nº de Estudantes Plano de Estudos Academic Year Credits Horas Contacto Total Hours
LNI 29 Despacho nº 6215/2023 5 45 125

Hours Actually Taught


Theoretical and Practical: 42,00

Teaching - Weekly Hours

Theoretical and Practical: 3,00

Type Teacher Classes Hours
Theoretical and Practical Totals 1 3,00
Silvio Manuel Valente da Silva - ESGT   3,00

Teaching - Responsabilities

Teacher Responsabilidade
Sandra Margarida Bernardes de Oliveira Responsável

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by the students)

This curricular unit (CU) aims to address the concepts and develop attitudes crucial to the perception of innovative ideas, as well as, its validation before the business process.
Throughout the presentation of the CU contents students will acquire knowledge, skills and competencies, namely to:
O1. Develop and validate technology-based business concepts;
O2. Identify risks inherent to the development and consolidation of technological business projects;
O3. Ability to solve problems;
O4. Know and be able to use a set of methods and tools appropriate to each of the previous points.


1.1. Concepts, determinants and typology
1.2. Framework in the Global and Knowledge Economy
2.1 Entrepreneurship as Innovation and Problem Solving
2.2 Opportunity
2.3 Understanding the Market
2.4. Business Strategy and Business Models
2.5. Corporate Finance and indicators
2.5. Business creation, resource mobilization and processes
2.4. Customer and Shareholder Value
3.1. Types and Processes of Innovation 3.2.
3.2. Technological Innovation in the Contemporary Context
3.3 Digital Entrepreneurship
4.1. Business Plan Content
4.2. Marketing Plan
4.3. Financial plan

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit's learning objectives

The analysis of the global environment as well as the understanding of the entrepreneurial activity (C1 and C2) is aligned with O1.
C2 and C3 enable to fulfil O2 and O3 to the extent that the student is called to understand and analyse the entrepreneur's journey, in a strongly volatile and challenging context, attending to the new paradigm of technological innovation.
C4 is aligned with O3 in that it empowers students with methods and tools that catalyse the fulfilment of O3.
C2, C3, and C4 empower the student to fulfil O4.

Teaching methodologies (including evaluation)

The sessions will focus on the individual learning process of the students, supported on learning by doing, sharing of relevant experiences and divided between:
M1. Expository lessons - Concepts
M2. Participative - Discussion of cases and examples
M3. Active - Business plan (group work)
M4. Self-study - Preparation of individual assessment

A1. Group work (Business Plan) - 40% - Assessment method
A2. Quizzes - 10%.
A3. Final individual assessment - 50%.
The approval in the Continuous Assessment period requires a minimum grade of 7.0 in the A3 component.

Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes

The teaching-learning methodologies aim at the development of the students' main learning competences that allow them to fulfil each of the learning objectives, with the following distribution:
O1: M1 and M4
O2: M1, M2 and M4
O3: M2, M3 and M4
O4. M1 to M4

Bibliography (Mandatory resources)

Blank, S. & Dorf, B. (2020). The Startup Owner's Manual: The Step-By-Step Guide for Building a Great Company. John Wiley & sons, Eds.. New Jersey;
Collins J. & Lazier B.,(2020).Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0.Penguin Random House.;
Osterwalder et al.,(2010). Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers (Strategyzer). John Wiley and Sons.;
Sarkar, S. (2014), Empreendedorismo e Inovação, Escolar Editora,3a Edição, Lisboa Tidd, J..
