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Você está em: Início > Programmes > Curricular Units > MESMO102
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Nursing Research

Code: MESMO102    Acronym: IE
Scientific Area: Nursing

Occurrence: 2023/24 - 1S

Teaching Area: 2nd stage


Acronym Nº de Estudantes Plano de Estudos Academic Year Credits Horas Contacto Total Hours
MESMO 19 Enfermagem de Saúde MAterna e Obstétrica 3 29 84

Hours Actually Taught


Ensino Teórico: 5,00
Theoretical and Practical: 8,67
Field work: 4,17
Seminars: 5,33
Tutorial: 1,67

Teaching - Weekly Hours

Ensino Teórico: 0,40
Theoretical and Practical: 0,67
Field work: 0,33
Seminars: 0,40
Tutorial: 0,13

Type Teacher Classes Hours
Ensino Teórico Totals 1 0,40
José Joaquim Penedos Amendoeira Martins   0,40
Theoretical and Practical Totals 1 0,67
José Joaquim Penedos Amendoeira Martins   0,67
Field work Totals 1 0,33
José Joaquim Penedos Amendoeira Martins   0,33
Seminars Totals 1 0,40
José Joaquim Penedos Amendoeira Martins   0,40
Tutorial Totals 1 0,13
José Joaquim Penedos Amendoeira Martins   0,13

Teaching - Responsabilities

Teacher Responsabilidade
José Joaquim Penedos Amendoeira Martins Responsável
Maria da Conceição Fernandes Santiago Coordenação Científica

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by the students)

Criticizes the paradigms underlying Research and Development in the field of Nursing
Uses research methodologies, particularly those that promote the identification of scientific evidence
Design a research project based on a research problem supported by scientific evidence


Epistemological paradigms and research strategies in Nursing
Quantitative paradigm
Qualitative paradigm
Research project and report - Evidence-Based Practice
Design and components
Dissemination of research results
Health/Nursing Research Units/Centers

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit's learning objectives

Research in the area of maternal health and obstetric nursing is fundamental for the development of scientific knowledge and its practical application in specialized care, as well as for making appropriate decisions for better specialized care and the continuous development of the profession. This course aims to provide the master's student with the tools to support clinical practice through research.
The theoretical approach to research paradigms, linking epistemology to methodology and project design, is a tool that allows the master's student to prepare a group research project in line with critical/reflective analysis.
Access to information on Research Units/Centres will be made available, allowing analysis of the relevance of research development, as an opportunity to reflect on clinical practice, which requires competence in researching and systematizing scientific evidence.

Teaching methodologies (including evaluation)

The teaching methodologies are based on the level of academic qualification in which the programme of this course is set and promote the active participation of the master's students, valuing the principles of adult education/lifelong learning, reinforced by the use of interactive methods and techniques, group work and the dissemination and communication of results in seminars.
Autonomous work is the time used by the student to research, analyze and prepare the study of the contents of the course, which corresponds to the difference between the contact hours (HC) and the total hours (HT) provided for in the course.
Interaction skills are promoted by the analysis, reflection and design of a group research project, participation in a Seminar: dynamic presentation and discussion of results. Assessment: group work, which can be designed in the form of an article to be submitted for assessment and dissemination (60%); preparation and dissemination of the results in a Seminar (40%).

Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes

Active methodologies are favored, involving master's students in the teaching-learning process, centered on the search for
scientific articles, practical learning developed through involvement in the preparation of analyses of scientific articles, and reflection on practice in the field of nursing specialization, guided by the teachers of the curricular unit, allowing the bridge between theoretical aspects and professional practice.
Through the methodology used, the master's student is encouraged to ask questions, to problematize the practice developed in the light of the
knowledge acquired, emphasizing the process of regulation and guidance developed by the teacher(s) during the student's learning process, which involves monitoring learning.

Bibliography (Mandatory resources)

Bryman, A. (2012). Social Research Methods. Fourth edition. Oxford: Oxford University press
Cunha, M., & Santos, E. (2021). Revisão sistemática da literatura com meta¿análise: Um guia prático para iniciantes. Edições
Esgotadas, Lda.
Grove, S., Burns, N., Gray, J. (2013) Practice of nursing research. Appraisal, Synthesis and generation evidence. Seventh edition. Elsevier Krippendorff, K. (2018). Content Analysis. An Introduction to Its methodology. 4 ed. London: Sage Publications
Morse, J. M. (2007). Aspectos essenciais de metodologia de investigação qualitativa. Formasau.
Richards, D., Hansen, T., Borglin, G. & Amendoeira, J. (2018). The second triennial Systematic Literature Review of European Nursing Research: impact on patient outcomes and implications for evidence-based practice. WORLDVIEWS ON EVIDENCE-BASED NURSING, 15(5). 333-343. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1111/WVN.1232025