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Contraceptive Counseling

Code: MESMO113    Acronym: AC
Scientific Area: Health

Occurrence: 2023/24 - 2S

Teaching Area: 2nd stage


Acronym Nº de Estudantes Plano de Estudos Academic Year Credits Horas Contacto Total Hours
MESMO 12 Enfermagem de Saúde MAterna e Obstétrica 3 29 84

Hours Actually Taught


Ensino Teórico: 4,17
Theoretical and Practical: 12,67
Ensino Prático e Laboratorial: 6,67

Teaching - Weekly Hours

Ensino Teórico: 0,33
Theoretical and Practical: 1,07
Ensino Prático e Laboratorial: 0,53

Type Teacher Classes Hours
Ensino Teórico Totals 1 0,33
Sara Elisabete Cavaco Palma   0,33
Theoretical and Practical Totals 1 1,07
Sara Elisabete Cavaco Palma   1,07
Ensino Prático e Laboratorial Totals 1 0,53
Sara Elisabete Cavaco Palma   0,53

Teaching - Responsabilities

Teacher Responsabilidade
Sara Elisabete Cavaco Palma Responsável
Maria da Conceição Fernandes Santiago Coordenação Científica

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by the students)

Ability to acquire, analyze and synthesize interdisciplinary knowledge relating to women/couples/families within the community within the scope of contraceptive counseling integrated into family planning;
Integrates interdisciplinary knowledge to resolve health/illness problems, within the scope of contraceptive counseling integrated into family planning, for the woman/couple/family within the community;
Ability to design, analyze and make decisions in the process of caring for women/couples/family within the community within the scope of family planning;
Ability to apply technical-scientific skills in specialized care for women/couples/family within the scope of contraceptive counseling integrated into family planning through simulation.


The evolution of family planning and contraception in the world and in Portugal. Concepts.
Health care within the scope of family planning
Contraception and contraceptive methods
Innovation in contraception
Intervention of the health professional in the context of contraceptive counseling
Ethical-legal dimensions in care.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit's learning objectives

The curricular unit is intended to allow the acquisition, deepening and mobilization of knowledge and skills in the field of health care for women/couples/families within the community within the scope of family planning.
The development of specific skills in this area of care is promoted, which will promote critical, reflective and decision-making capacity in the process of caring for women/couples/families within the community within the scope of family planning, based on the best scientific evidence. The practical dimension encourages the mobilization of knowledge through the simulation of care situations in contraceptive counseling and application/removal of long-acting contraceptives.

Teaching methodologies (including evaluation)

Active methodology focused on the master's student's learning process using active and participatory strategies using research, reflection, autonomous work and demonstration.
They will be developed through T (expository) and TP sessions where readings, analyzes and discussion of documents relating to the practice of care will be carried out in terms of contraceptive counseling and family planning. The PL will be an opportunity to simulate situations of practical care in contraceptive counseling and skills training in the placement/removal of long-term contraception, allowing the development of skills in a specific area of ¿¿care for this population. The autonomous component of the curricular unit should be used by trainees for reading, critical reflection and self-analysis that enhance decision-making and the development of skills in specialized nursing.
The assessment is based on individual work (100%).

Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes

With the methodologies used, we intend for the master's student to acquire, deepen, consolidate and mobilize skills that promote their development in terms of quality care for women/couples/families within the community within the scope of family planning, based on the best scientific evidence. Activities are organized according to the syllabus, encouraging evidence-based practice, ethical behavior and critical thinking

Bibliography (Mandatory resources)

Águas, F., Bombas, T., & Silva, D. P. (2016). Avaliação das práticas contracetivas das mulheres em Portugal. Acta Obstet Ginecol Port, 10 (3),184-192.
Bitzer, J.; Marin, V., & Lira, J. (2017). Contraceptive counselling and care: A personalized interactive approach. The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, 22 (6), 418¿423.
Palma, S., Presado, H., & Ayres-de-Campos, D. (2021). Perceção dos enfermeiros portugueses sobre a tomada de decisão contracetiva de mulheres após aborto voluntário: Contributo de um grupo focal. New Trends in Qualitative Research, 8, 707-714.
Palma, S., Taborda, A., Nunes, N., Cardoso, M., & Presado, M. H. (2020). Aconselhamento Contracetivo na Interrupção Voluntária da Gravidez: Revisão Sistemática. New Trends in Qualitative Research, 3, 372¿384