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Internship and Report in Maternal and Obstetric Health Nursing

Code: MESMO114    Acronym: ERESMO
Scientific Area: Nursing

Occurrence: 2023/24 - A

Teaching Area: 2nd stage


Acronym Nº de Estudantes Plano de Estudos Academic Year Credits Horas Contacto Total Hours
MESMO 19 Enfermagem de Saúde MAterna e Obstétrica 60 1106 1680

Hours Actually Taught

Teaching - Weekly Hours

Field work: 1,33
Seminars: 1,00
Estágio: 33,30
Tutorial: 1,20

Type Teacher Classes Hours
Seminars Totals 5 5,00
Açucena de Jesus Galhanas Guerra - ESSAUDE   1,00
Maria da Conceição Fernandes Santiago   1,00
Sara Elisabete Cavaco Palma   1,00
Teresa Margarida Inácio Silva Carreira ESSS   1,00
Estágio Totals 1 33,30
Tutorial Totals 5 6,00
Açucena de Jesus Galhanas Guerra - ESSAUDE   1,20
Maria da Conceição Fernandes Santiago   1,20
Sara Elisabete Cavaco Palma   1,20
Teresa Margarida Inácio Silva Carreira ESSS   1,20

Teaching - Responsabilities

Teacher Responsabilidade
Maria da Conceição Fernandes Santiago Responsável
Maria da Conceição Fernandes Santiago Coordenação Científica

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by the students)

Demonstrates understanding, conception, self-reflection and criticism skills in specialized clinical praxis, supported by solid and valid professional and ethical values.
Provides specialized nursing care in maternal and obstetric health to woman in the sexual and reproductive cycle in a health-disease situation, inserted in the family, group and community.
Deepens and highlights self-knowledge, assertiveness, and decision-making, and problem-solving skills in its field of intervention, based on quality standards, on the competencies of the area of specialization and evidence-based practice.
Manages care, adapts leadership and resource management to care situations and context, aiming at quality of specialized maternal and obstetric health nursing care.
Prepare an internship report that demonstrates a critical reflection on the process of learning, acquiring and developing skills.


Given the contextual and practical nature of this CU, the syllabus is all taught in the various CU, seeking, with the development of the internship and report, their mobilization in the construction of specialized skills in this area of knowledge in nursing.
The contents presented below constitute the basic of theoretical ground that articulate, integrate and substantiate all those previously taught, in a logic of integrated construction of knowledge and specialized competencies, expected for the nurse specialist in maternal and obstetric health nursing. The woman inserted in the family/community within the scope of family planning and during the preconception period. The woman inserted in the family/community during the prenatal period; labor and the postnatal period in health-disease situation. The woman inserted in the family/community during the climacteric period and experiencing gynecological health/disease processes.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit's learning objectives

The master student is expected to develop cognitive, technical and relational competencies that allow for the provision of specialized nursing care to the woman/mother/couple/newborn/family and community experiencing health-disease processes, during the sexual and reproductive cycle. The constrution of clinical praxis based on solid knowledge, guided by scientific evidence, ethics and professional deontology of the specific area of intervention, is stimulated, based on the previous theoretical approach. As the approach to health-disease processes is complex and dynamic, the master student must adress the uniqueness of the subject of care, the diversity of contexts, the interprofessionality and transdisciplinarity in which the nursing intervention takes place. The preparation of the final report must reflect a logic of disciplinary and professional integration and improvement, a fundamental resource of reflexivity in action and on action, required for the teaching cycle.

Teaching methodologies (including evaluation)

The master student develops a learning project in specialized care in MOHN in the areas of sexual and reproductive cycle. Develops internships in community (150h), puerperium (150h), pathological pregnant women (150h), gynaecology (50h) and delivery room (500h). Individual guidance of the master student by a MOHN specialist nurse with a master degree and supervision by the teacher a MOHN to monitor performance/preparation of the report. Group/class seminars to monitor performance and prepare the report. Preparation of the report, 200h (40-fieldwork, remaining hours integrated in autonomous work). It should contain a critical reflection of the activities developed in the internship context, using a systematic literature review and mobilization of competencies (common and specific) from the perspective of Evidence-Based Practice.
Evaluation results from performance (50%, hetero-assessment above 10 points) and the internship report (50%), subject to public review and discussion.

Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes

In order for clinical nursing praxis, specializing in maternal and obstetric health to be of advanced level, it is essential that it is based on a quality policy, in which the safety of care, the legal ethical competencies and responsibilities of professionals and the satisfaction of clients/organizations are valued and that coexist, particularly in the master student learning process during clinical education. The dynamic evolution of the society in which we live and of maternal and obstetric health nursing knowledge, requires that qualified, reflective and proactive professionals be trained in their process of personal and professional development, allowing for the deepening of judgment and decision-making skills in new and complex situations, in their area of intervention. The professional experience developed from evidence-based practice, has become a strategy in the provision of high-quality care, where the results of applied research acquire a dimension to be valued. It is intended that the master student becomes actively involved in the training process. The development of the individual learning project (internship project) will contribute to a better systematization of their learning and meet their motivations and interests. The operationalization of the project is translates into the provision of maternal and obstetric nursing care to the woman/mother/couple/newborn inserted in the family and community, in health-disease processes. Individual reflection and seminar discussion constitute a methodology that generates new knowledge, other perspectives on situations and the reconstruction of other forms of caring, as well as contributing to the construction of a reflective report. The final internship report encompasses the entire training process, promoting self-awareness in the master student, in the context of specialized practice in MOHN, aiming at gains in the health of woman/mother/couple/newborn/family and community. The report is carried out under the direct guidance of a professor in the field and should demonstrate the master student's ability to identify problems and develop solutions, to reflect on the actions taken and their ethical and social implications and to communicate his/her conclusions appropriately. On the other hand, the tutorial guidance, as a methodology, allows specialized monitoring, questioning the different options derived from clinical practice relevant to the knowledge and development of MOHN. The report for final discussion is prepared throughout the internship and is expected to reveal learning from a self-training process, of systematic research and reflection, wich mobilizes action in a clinical context. It constitutes a privileged moment of the scientific capacity of the master student in knowledge on the subject and in the area of specialization as provided for in point 4 of article 5 of the Regulation of Master's Degree at IPSantarém (Order No. 6945/2020, of 6th July).

Bibliography (Mandatory resources)

Amendoeira, J., Silva, M., Ferreira, R., & Dias, H. (2021). Tutorial para revisão sistemática de literatura ¿ A scoping review. José Amendoeira, Escola Superior de Saúde de Santarém, IPSantarém.
Direção Geral da Saúde. (2015). Programa nacional para a vigilância da gravidez de baixo risco. DGS.
Direção Geral da Saúde. (2008). Saúde reprodutiva: Planeamento familiar (Ed. revista e atualizada). DGS.
Néné, M., Marques, R., & Batista, M. (2016). Enfermagem de saúde materna e obstetrícia. Lidel.
Ricci, S.S. (2019). Enfermagem materno-fetal e saúde da mulher (4º ed.). Guanabara Koogan.
Regulamento n.º 391/2019, 3 de maio da Ordem dos Enfermeiros. (2019). Diário da República: 2ª série, n.º85.
Sequeira, A., Pousa, O., & Amaral, C. F. (2020). Procedimentos de enfermagem em saúde materna e obstétrica. Lidel.

Another according to the subject and methodology.


The master's student must fulfil a set of mandatory minimum experiences in accordance with Directive no. 80/155/CEE, of January 21st, amended by Directive no. 89/594/CEE, of October 30th, written for the internal legal order by DL no. 322/87, of August 28th, and by DL no. 15/92, of February 4th, which must be registered in a specific document and constituted as an annex to the report of internship. If, during the internship period, the master's student does not reach the minimum number of mandatory experiences, the situation will be analyzed by the competent bodies of the ESSS, in order to extend the time of clinical teaching until the execution of the legislative provisions.