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Management , Marketing and Entrepreneurship

Code: MTA2154    Acronym: GME
Scientific Area: Management and Administration

Occurrence: 2023/24 - 2S

Teaching Area: Gestão e Marketing e Economia e Desenvolvimento (GMED)


Acronym Nº de Estudantes Plano de Estudos Academic Year Credits Horas Contacto Total Hours
MTA 10 Despacho n.º 13844/2011 de 14/10 5

Hours Actually Taught


Theoretical and Practical: 50,00

Teaching - Weekly Hours

Theoretical and Practical: 4,00

Type Teacher Classes Hours
Theoretical and Practical Totals 1 4,00
Maria Adelaide Mota Oliveira - ESA   1,07
Paula Lúcia da Mata Silvério Ruivo - ESA   2,93

Teaching - Responsabilities

Teacher Responsabilidade
Paula Lúcia da Mata Silvério Ruivo - ESA Responsável

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by the students)

It is intended that the student develops the ability to evaluate and apply marketing and strategic management concepts and integrate knowledge and skills in these areas to improve performance and competitiveness of organizations. An alert to innovation and entrepreneurship is also an aim, as a means of economic and social development. At the end the student must demonstrate a strategic, systemic and integrated view of the agroindustrial organization. The student should acquire skills to use information from the analysis of the environment in the process of strategic decision making, integrating the functional areas and developing the use of methodologies to promote creativity, and should undertake the preparation of business plans, simulating the creation of new businesses or develop existing ones.


Fundamental concepts in Management and Marketing. Introduction to innovation and entrepreneurship. The concept of marketing, market orientation. Trends in food innovation. Sustainable food systems. Perceptions and purchasing and consumption behaviour. Segmentation and Positioning in the food sector. Product and pricing policies. Distribution and communication policies. Marketing planning. Strategy and business models. Idea generation, value proposition. Legal forms and formalities of the new company. Industrial property. Financial projections. Business plans. The role of agri-food markets in the global economy. Sustainable development vs competitiveness. Sustainability-orientated policies and strategies. Case studies.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit's learning objectives

Considering the proposed objectives for this curricular unit, the program content intends to provide integration of knowledge from various functional areas of business, complementing them with training in innovation. The objectives and competencies formulated for this curricular unit aim to ensure consistency but also the necessary extent for students to whom they are addressed for by tackling a need for training of professionals in this sector and/or supplementing their basic training. This linkage between course content and objectives of the curricular unit, allows a more effective transference of knowledge and a conversion experience enriching and innovative. The syllabus listed here meet the needs revealed by objectives that are contributing to a better qualification of the students of this thematic, taking advantage of the large potential for synergies between entrepreneurship, management and marketing.

Teaching methodologies (including evaluation)

The methodology used follows the classroom regime, with synchronous sessions, and distance learning, using videoconference via Zoom or Teams and digital tools such as Mentimeter, or similar, to promote interaction in asynchronous sessions. The focus is on the dialogue and participation of students, namely, with the critical discussion of examples of marketing strategies and actions from different sources. Students also benefit from the information made available on the Moodle platform and from research in various electronic databases.
Evaluation regime:
- Class attendance is optional.
Students enrolled at u.c are admitted to the exam.
For exemption purposes:
A group assignment (60%) and a written test (40%). The minimum classification in each of these tests is 10 points.
The final exam consists of a test according to points 3 and 4 of article 14 of the Master's Internal School Regulations.

Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes

Considering crucial that students enrolled in this curricular unit must have the right skills to analyse various real situations, the early expository classes must be the predominant approach. After the understanding of new concepts and recall of others, the emphasis is on their integration and the gradual interaction increase with and with between students, from for example of critical analysis of real situations. This integration is intended to connect the knowledge gained on this curricular unit with others previously taught, in order to enable them to analyse different scenarios in terms of setting plans and strategies for solving problems and achieving goals that have been proposed for this curricular unit. 

Bibliography (Mandatory resources)

Cunha, M. P.; Rego, A.; Cunha, R.C., Cabral-Cardoso, C. & Neves,P (2016). Manual de Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão. (8ª ed.). Editora RH.
De Baynast, A.; Lendrevie, J.; Lévy, J.; Dionísio, P. & Rodrigues, V. (2018): Mercator 2018  25 Anos - O Marketing na era digital. (17ª ed.). Publicações Dom Quixote, Grupo Leya.
Santos, A. (2008). Gestão Estratégica - Conceitos, modelos e instrumentos. Escolar Editora.
Sarkar, S. (2014). Empreendedorismo e Inovação. (3ª ed). Escolar Editora.
Teixeira, S. (2013). Gestão das organizações. (3ª ed). Escolar Editora. 
