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French language

Code: TeSPS-004    Acronym: TeSPS-LF
Scientific Area: Foreign Language and Literature

Occurrence: 2023/24 - 1S

Web page:https://academicos.ipsantarem.pt/FICHA_DISCIPLINA.EDITAR?p_cad_codigo=TeSPS-004&p_periodo=1S&p_ano_lectivo=2022
Teaching Area: 1st Cycle


Acronym Nº de Estudantes Plano de Estudos Academic Year Credits Horas Contacto Total Hours
TeSPSS 13 TeSP em Secretariado em Saúde 5

Hours Actually Taught


Ensino Teórico: 41,67

Teaching - Weekly Hours

Ensino Teórico: 3,33

Type Teacher Classes Hours
Ensino Teórico Totals 1 3,33
Alexandra Rosa Damião Mereu Teófilo   3,33

Teaching - Responsabilities

Teacher Responsabilidade
Alexandra Rosa Damião Mereu Teófilo Responsável
Marta Maria Gonçalves Rosa Coordenação Científica
Maria Clara Martins Cunha André - ESSAUDE Coordenação Científica

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by the students)

It is intended that the student masters the French language with the necessary fluency and correction so that it is possible for him to interact in his daily life and to serve as a tool for him to be integrated into his work environment. In order to get the tools that allow you to achieve these goals, activities/strategies will be developed that enable the acquisition of vocabulary and grammatical structures used in communicative contexts, which develop the various linguistic skills (understanding and oral and written expression). Should be able to: - Understand the information conveyed by texts of different types on different subjects; - Select relevant information according to the indications provided; - Ask/ask for information; - Provide information, orally and in writing, related to the suggested themes; - Present points of view/suggest explaining the advantages; - Receive visitors; - Interact; - Collect and give information.


According to the students' knowledge, the following contents will be addressed:
Morphology and Syntax
the structure of the sentence
different types of sentence
personal pronouns
interrogative pronouns
verb tenses
Communication: greetings, presentation, saying goodbye, thank, apologize, asking, describing, suggesting
numbers, telling/asking the time
Secretary's profile
The vocabulary of health: the hospital, the human body, diseases, medical specialties
face-to-face and telephone assistance
The letter
the e-mail
the message.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit's learning objectives

In this curricular unit it is intended to make students aware of the relevance of specific terms in French within the scope of their future professional path, framed in their area of study. In this way, the syllabus is organized around the development of language skills and their adaptation to specific contexts and interlocutors, properly mobilizing vocabulary in French related to the health area, using it in various communication registers, both oral as written

Teaching methodologies (including evaluation)

 Methodologies/strategies: Reading, listening and analysis of texts; Carrying out tasks promoting production capacity (jeu de rôles); Resolution of exercises promoting autonomy with regard to grammatical content.

Assessment: individual written test (40%) aiming to mobilize instrumental and systemic skills; simulation of face-to-face and telephone assistance (20%); participation in classes and in the Moodle platform (or other online collaborative work mechanisms): individual participation (20%) and group participation (20%), both to be distributed equally between the written and oral components, intending to mobilize instrumental, systemic and interpersonal. Autonomous component of the curricular unit to be developed by the student, this consists of bibliographical research, reading of bibliography regarding the topics covered and solving exercises leading to the consolidation of the contents covered.

Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes

In what the theoretical classes are concerned, the lecturer introduces the conceptual framework of the themes and supervises the individual and small group tasks/assignments. In theoreticalpractical classes, there will be pratical exercises based on topics of a theoretical nature and questionnaires (written and oral) on different aspects of the French language. There will also be role-playing situations related to the students future academic and professional performance in order to stimulate French communication.
The treatment of content explores a diverse set of texts adapted to general skills as well as communication skills more directly related to the language which is to be developed in future medical secretary professionals.
Working in small groups encourages the sharing of knowledge of the foreign language, as well as develops interpersonal competences.
With these strategies, it is expected that the student acquires the skills to analyze and intervene in situations related to their academic and professional practice.

Bibliography (Mandatory resources)

ABoulet, R.; Huet-Ogle, C. & Poisson-Quinton, S. (2004). Grammaire expliquée du français, niveau intermédiaire. CLE International.
Le Grand Larousse Illustré (2014). Larousse.
Le Petit Robert de la langue Française (2014). Le Robert.
http : //www.granddictionnaire.com