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Você está em: Início > Programmes > Curricular Units > TeSPS-014
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Information and Communication Strategies

Code: TeSPS-014    Acronym: TeSPS-EI

Occurrence: 2023/24 - 1S

Teaching Area: 1st Cycle


Acronym Nº de Estudantes Plano de Estudos Academic Year Credits Horas Contacto Total Hours
TeSPSS 10 TeSP em Secretariado em Saúde 6

Hours Actually Taught


Ensino Teórico: 74,50

Teaching - Weekly Hours

Ensino Teórico: 6,00

Type Teacher Classes Hours
Ensino Teórico Totals 1 6,00
Nuno Miguel Mendes Vieira Branco - ESGT   1,00

Teaching - Responsabilities

Teacher Responsabilidade
Nuno Miguel Mendes Vieira Branco - ESGT Responsável
Marta Maria Gonçalves Rosa Coordenação Científica
Maria Clara Martins Cunha André - ESSAUDE Coordenação Científica

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by the students)

Identify the potential and implications of using technologies; Training in the use of technological resources;


Information and communication technologies;
Technological equipment and respective applications: characteristics and potential;
Essential concepts and operating systems;
IT resources for data processing;

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit's learning objectives

Students within the scope of the Curricular Unit develop learning centered on the theoretical approach to the program contents. According to the Course's syllabus, this Curricular Unit provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate comprehensive computer knowledge. In terms of methodologies to be mobilized, a theoretical approach to the contents essential to achieving the objectives of the Curricular Unit is expected, as well as the development of group work, where students will mobilize theoretical contents from a user perspective and delve deeper into some targeted themes. by teachers.
Within the scope of the assessment, the Curricular Unit will have two moments. A frequency as an individual assessment, whose weight in the overall assessment of the UC is 70%. And a work written and presented in the classroom, whose weight will be 30% in the overall UC assessment.

Teaching methodologies (including evaluation)

Students within the scope of the CU develop learning centered on the theoretical approach to the program contents. According to the Course's syllabus, this CU provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate comprehensive computer knowledge. In terms of methodologies to be mobilized, a theoretical approach to the contents essential to achieving the obje. of the CU is expected, as well as the development of group work, where students will mobilize theoretical contents from a user perspective and delve deeper into some targeted themes. by teachers.The autonomous component of the c u can be carried out through practical exercises that enhance decision-making. Bibliographical research and additional readings suggested by teachers, Within the scope of the assessment, the C U will have 2 moments. A frequency as an ind. assessment, whose weight in the overall assessment of the UC is70%.And a work written and presented in the classroom, whose weight will be 30%in the overall UC assessment

Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes

Based on the learning objectives of the Curricular Unit, students develop comprehensive computer knowledge and integrate crucial theoretical content for their mobilization within the scope of professional practice, from a user perspective. The dimensions of systemic, interpersonal and instrumental skills that prepare them to be users and integrators of information and communication strategies are also promoted.
The fact that they can develop work focused on the knowledge areas of Information and Communication Strategies allows students to take this knowledge into practice and mobilize it, focusing on the needs of the people they support.

Bibliography (Mandatory resources)

Almeida, F. (2002). Organizações, pessoas e novas tecnologias. Coimbra: Quarteto.
Johnson, J. A.; Capron, H. L. (2004). Introdução à informática. São Paulo: Prentice-Hall.
Laudon, K; Laudon, J. (2007). Sistemas de informação gerenciais. Rio de Janeiro: Prentice-Hall.
Maroco, J. (2003). Análise estatística ¿ com utilização do SPSS. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.
Pedrosa, A. e Gama, S. (2007). Introdução Computacional à Probabilidade e Estatística. Porto: Porto Editora.
Stallings, W. (2005). Arquitetura e organização de computadores. Brasil: Prentice-Hall.