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Code: LAG1208    Acronym: GEN
Scientific Area: Biology and Biochemistry

Occurrence: 2023/24 - 1S

Teaching Area: Biological Sciences (BS)


Acronym Nº de Estudantes Plano de Estudos Academic Year Credits Horas Contacto Total Hours
LAGRON 104 Despacho n.º 5 60 140

Hours Actually Taught


Ensino Teórico: 28,00
Theoretical and Practical: 28,00


Ensino Teórico: 28,00
Theoretical and Practical: 28,00


Ensino Teórico: 27,00
Theoretical and Practical: 28,00

Teaching - Weekly Hours

Ensino Teórico: 1,90
Theoretical and Practical: 2,10

Type Teacher Classes Hours
Ensino Teórico Totals 1 1,90
Ana Paula Martins Farinha Resende - ESA   0,76
Carla Marisa Reis Varanda - ESA   1,14
Theoretical and Practical Totals 2 4,20
Ana Paula Martins Farinha Resende - ESA   1,68
Carla Marisa Reis Varanda - ESA   2,52

Teaching - Responsabilities

Teacher Responsabilidade
Carla Marisa Reis Varanda - ESA Responsável

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by the students)

Knowledge of the structure, function, and transmission of genes. Understanding of the relationship between phenotype, genotype, and environment and of the ways of working genotypes for the improvement of phenotypes. Knowledge of the fundamentals and of the products of the main technological applications of genetics.


Classical Genetics: Mendelian Genetics, Extensions of Mendelian Analysis
Cytogenetics: Chromosomal and heredity theory, Autosomes and sex chromosomes, sex-linked heredity, Chromosome structure, Chromosomal alterations
Genetic mapping: Recombination, linkage groups, genetic maps
Population genetics: Genotypic and gene frequencies. Hardy-Weinberg Law. Genetic alteration factors
Techniques in molecular biology. Biotechnology. Genome analysis.
Phenotypic diversity: gene expression and its regulation; RNA.
Phenotypic diversity: qualitative and quantitative phenotypes; introduction to quantitative genetics
Transmission of genes and their expression: replication and transmission of nucleic acids; parental imprinting
Applied genetics:
(i) Genetic improvement: from domestication to scientifically sustained improvement; objectives and products; methods for obtaining genetic variability; selection theory and methods
(ii) Genetic engineering: genetic transformation, GMO and NGT; applications

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit's learning objectives

The syllabus run through the fundamental concepts of genetics, the causes of genetic diversity, the regulatory processes that convert it into the phenotypic diversity and the genetic and epigenetic transmission processes. The last chapter articulates the previous information in the design of tools, techniques, and methods of application to the development of products and services.

Teaching methodologies (including evaluation)

Teaching includes theoretical (T) and theorical-practical (TP) classes. T classes are expository and the TP consist of solving exercises.
Students can opt for a continuous evaluation (CE), or a single final assessment (FA).
All students enrolled in the CU have access to the final exam.
The AC consists of 2 tests, each with a weight of 50% of the final grade (FG), with about half of the subject each and where the T and TP components are evaluated.
The TP component has a weight of 30% in the FG in any of the assessments.
The student can opt for CE only for 1 of the components (T or TP).
If the student opts for the FA; the evaluation will be carried out through a written exam with all the subject.
The grades of the T and TP components for students who do not complete the curricular unit will be kept for the next two years.
Students cannot have a grade lower than 8,0 in any of the tests, or in any of the components (T and TP) and will be approved if the NF is greater than or equal to 10 values.

Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes

Lectures are essential to support the understanding of concepts and processes and integrate them in applications conducive to the development of products and services. Problem solving in theorical-practical classes seeks the routine use of concepts and the consolidation of the understanding of the processes.

Bibliography (Mandatory resources)

Arraiano, C. M. & Fialho, A. M. (Coord.) (2007). O Mundo do RNA: Novos Desafios e Perspectivas Futuras. Lisboa: Lidel, 296 pp.
Griffiths, A. J. F. et al. (2020). An Introduction to Genetic Analysis (12th ed.). New York: W. H. Freeman & Co Ltd., 891 pp.
Hartl, D. L. & Jones, E. W. (2004). Genetics: Analysis of Genes and Genomes (6th ed.). Burlington: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc., 854 pp.
Klug et al.(2016). Concepts of genetics. Pearson, England.ISBN 13: 978-1-292-07726-0 
Sleper, D.A. & Poehlman, J.M (2006). Breeding Field Crops (5th ed.). ISBN: 978-0-813-82428-4, Wiley-Blackwell, 432 pp.
Watson, J. et al. (2007). Recombinant DNA: Genes and Genomes - A Short Course. Cary: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 474 pp.