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Safety, Hygiene and Health at Work

Code: LAG1211    Acronym: HSST
Scientific Area: Agricultural and Animal Production

Occurrence: 2023/24 - 1S

Teaching Area: Produção Agrícola - PAG


Acronym Nº de Estudantes Plano de Estudos Academic Year Credits Horas Contacto Total Hours
LAGRON 37 Despacho n.º 5 60 140

Hours Actually Taught


Theoretical and Practical: 56,00


Theoretical and Practical: 56,00


Theoretical and Practical: 56,00

Teaching - Weekly Hours

Theoretical and Practical: 4,00

Type Teacher Classes Hours
Theoretical and Practical Totals 2 8,00
Luís Teófilo Nunes Fortunato - ESA   8,00

Teaching - Responsabilities

Teacher Responsabilidade
Luís Teófilo Nunes Fortunato - ESA Responsável

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by the students)

Acquisition of knowledge and skills development in the field of safety, hygiene and health for agro-industrial work, fitting them properly in the existing legislation in order to apply them as part of its business, aiming to reduce accidents at work.
The student, at the end of Course will be able to:
- Identify the dangers inherent in a particular occupational activity / job;
- Evaluate the risks arising from exposure of workers to their dangers;
- Propose measures of prevention and protection appropriate to the assessed risks, respecting the general principles of prevention;
- Ensuring compliance with statutory provisions relating to SHST;
- Understand the basics of management systems SHST.


TP: (32 H)
Contextualize health, safety and health at work.
Fundamental concepts of health, safety and health at work.
National system for the prevention of occupational risks.
Law for hygiene, safety and health at work.
Organization of health, safety and health at work.
Concepts related to hygiene, safety and health at work.
Concepts related to ergonomics.
Concepts related to psychosocial risks.
Evaluation of occupational hazards: Types of risk control (protective and preventive).
Safety signs.
Fire prevention and emergency organization.
Elements of management systems for shhw: ILO and referential NP 4397: 2001 (OHSAS 18001).
FW: (16 H)
Identification of hazards/risks.
Safety Signs.
Fire prevention and emergency organization.
S: (8 H) and T: (4 H)
Hygiene, safety and health at work.
Tutoring for the development of a practical / research on a subject to be defined, framed in the area of health, safety and health at work.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit's learning objectives

The UC Hygiene, Safety and Health at Work has the main goals of enabling the students to become aware of the several professional risks and the acquisition of knowledge and skills in the field of safety, hygiene and health for agro-industrial work.
In accordance with proposed objectives, programmatic contents and teaching methodology applied will enable students to acquire theoretical knowledge about key aspects of safety, hygiene and health at work, through issues addressed in lectures; will emphasise the development of communication skills (oral and written) and team work through the development and oral presentation of group work; will emphasise the ability of students to solve challenges and problems in a structured and rigorous way, through analysis, discussion and resolution of real cases, studied in the practical lessons.

Teaching methodologies (including evaluation)

The teaching methods used during the lessons of the unit are:
- Expositive method;
- Exhibition method;
- Active method.
- Continous assessment:
- Practical/research group work (4 students maximum) including oral presentation and discussion (60%). The paper as a weight of 70% and de individual discussion as a weight of 30%.
- Written test (40%).
- Conditions for admission to the final exam: being enrolled in the curricular unit.
- Conditions for total exemption:
- Obtain a minimum of 10 marks in practical work / research;
- Obtain a minimum of 8 marks in the written test;
- Assistance to at least 75% of classes, workshops, seminars and study visits (except for working students).
- Total exemption formula: 0.6 practical work / research + 0.4 written test values: equal or greater than 10.
- Final exam: a written test.

Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes

In theoretical sessions will be used, preferably, the expositive method. With these sessions is intended that students acquire theoretical knowledge about the key aspects of safety, hygiene and health at work, through exposure of the topics covered. The realization of a written test aims to evaluate preferentially such knowledge.
The fieldwork sessions, realized outside the classroom (farm and livestock, cellar winery, meat technology, labs, school buildings, field trips), sit, preferably in the statement method. With these sessions is intended that students:
1 Identify the hazards and risks associated with working with tractors and agricultural machinery;
2 Identify the hazards and risks associated with the work of applying plant protection products;
3 Identify the hazards and risks associated with working in the cellar, the building of meat technology and laboratories;
4 Observe and analyze the implemented safety signs;
5 Check, in the field, the Internal Emergency Plan of the Laboratories, Library and Auditorium Buildings;
6 Observe and analyze firefighting equipment in a first intervention, existing in the ESAS (various types of fire extinguishers, fire network armed with reel, outside hydrants).
Framed in the sessions of field work will be carried out a study visit (one per school year - Segurex or other company of the environmental industry).
The main tool for evaluating students is the realization of a practical / research work. Students are given the opportunity to choose the theme and a company / institution where they will focus their work. In this work is intended that students follow, preferably, the active method, applying in a real case study, the knowledge acquired during the development of the curricular unit.
All work is developed out of the 60 working hours of the curricular unit (CU), except for four hours of tutorial guidance. During this period, the UC professor will follow the development of the work, answering questions and providing "clues" and bibliographic material for its preparation.
The final seminar consists of the oral presentation and discussion of the work in the classroom for all students of CU and also for the academic community interested from ESAS. About each work, students develop a power point presentation to support the oral presentation. Each presentation lasts for 15 minutes.

Bibliography (Mandatory resources)

  • European Union (2012) Protecting health and safety of workers in agriculture, livestock farming, horticulture and forestry. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
  • Freitas, L. C. (2008) - Manual de segurança e saúde do trabalho. Edições Sílabo, Lisboa.
  • Miguel, A. S. S. R. (2002)  Manual de higiene e segurança do trabalho. 6ª edição. Porto Editora, Porto.
  • Serrano, M. B. (1994)  Segurança industrial. Instituto de Apoio às Pequenas e Médias Empresas e ao Investimento (IAPMEI). Colecção O Gestor  Área da Produção. Lisboa.
  • Server, M. & O, Mahony, L. (2003)  Gestão de sistemas de segurança, higiene e saúde no trabalho-ISA 2000. Lisboa, Editora Monitor.
  • Veiga, R. (coord.) (2008)  Manual de higiene, segurança, saúde e prevenção de acidentes de trabalho. Verlag Dashofer, Lisboa.
