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Nursing Persons in Urgent and Emergency Situations II

Code: PGEPSUE02    Acronym: EPSUEII
Scientific Area: Nursing

Occurrence: 2023/24 - 1S

Web page:
Teaching Area: 1st Cycle


Acronym Nº de Estudantes Plano de Estudos Academic Year Credits Horas Contacto Total Hours
PGEPSU 19 Enfermagem à Pessoa em Situação de Urgência - Emer 12 100 300

Hours Actually Taught


Ensino Teórico: 28,33
Theoretical and Practical: 35,83
Ensino Prático e Laboratorial: 12,50
Seminars: 4,17

Teaching - Weekly Hours

Ensino Teórico: 2,33
Theoretical and Practical: 3,00
Ensino Prático e Laboratorial: 1,00
Seminars: 0,33

Type Teacher Classes Hours
Ensino Teórico Totals 1 2,33
Isilda Maria Duarte Ferreira   1,53
Marco José Barbas Pinto   0,67
Mário João Ribeiro da Silva - ESSAUDE   0,13
Theoretical and Practical Totals 1 3,00
Isilda Maria Duarte Ferreira   1,47
Marco José Barbas Pinto   1,33
Mário João Ribeiro da Silva - ESSAUDE   0,20
Ensino Prático e Laboratorial Totals 1 1,00
Isilda Maria Duarte Ferreira   0,33
Marco José Barbas Pinto   0,67
Seminars Totals 1 0,33
Isilda Maria Duarte Ferreira   0,13
Marco José Barbas Pinto   0,13
Mário João Ribeiro da Silva - ESSAUDE   0,06

Teaching - Responsabilities

Teacher Responsabilidade
Isilda Maria Duarte Ferreira Responsável
Mário João Ribeiro da Silva - ESSAUDE Coordenação Científica

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by the students)

Ability to deepen knowledge that allows you to be a reference in the care of people experiencing a critical situation and/or organic failure.
Develop skills that allow you to respond to exceptional and catastrophe situations.
Ability to reflect fundamentally on safe care and analyse ways to prevent infections associated with healthcare
Develops capabilities for specialized clinical practice, supported by solid and valid standards of knowledge.
Develops skills to use professional judgment, thinking critically and reflectively when caring for people in urgent and emergency situations, both independently and as part of healthcare teams.


Conceptualization of Health Care and Emergency Plans in Emergency, Exception and Catastrophe situations.
Emergency, exception, and catastrophe management.
Stabilization and evacuation of victims.
Catastrophe Triage Principles
Violence, Abuse and Neglect. Collection, Preservation and Documentation of forensic remains. Ethical and legal aspects.
Epistemology of prevention and control. National and Institutional Organization
Prevention and control of Healthcare-Associated Infections.
National Prevention and Control Plan. Individual and collective protection strategies.
Sorting and packaging of waste, circuits and Treatment Policy for disinfectants, antiseptics and sterilization.
Waste safety

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit's learning objectives

The contents of this curricular unit are comprehensive from the point of view of specific knowledge in the area of Medical-Surgical nursing - People in urgent and emergency situations and enable a systematic assessment of the person in a situation of multiorgan and/or critical failure, as well as for intervene in complex therapeutic processes or to make scientifically based clinical decisions. Encompassing the various dimensions of caring for the person and family in urgent and emergency situations, it also encourages master's students to reflect on issues that involve the process of living and dying, related to moments of ethical and bioethical conflicts, leadership and supervision of care.

Teaching methodologies (including evaluation)

Teaching methodologies come from the perspective of student-centered learning and are therefore active methodologies in which the main actor is the student. In addition to primary sources, fundamental principles of scientific knowledge, the most recent existing data are explored, resulting from scientific research on the topics under analysis, using theoretical expository sessions, discussion, and analysis of identified results, practical situations care, visualization of situations and their critical analysis, simulated practice, and simulation training using scenario design and the briefing and debriefing technique.

The perspective of analysing themes and scientific articles is explored individually and in groups throughout the development of the
Curricular Unit. Assessment: Oral presentation of work in a seminar (40%) and Practice through simulation of scenarios developed by students (60%).

Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes

The deepening of theoretical knowledge on the main themes related to professional practice in the area of medical-surgical nursing-person in urgent and emergency situations, through structured information by the teacher and the analysis of the most up-to-date information based on research produced by national and international level, aims not only to support the decision-making and intervention process but also to awaken or continue to awaken, professionals who want to perform differently in a profession that is constantly being updated, to the importance of differentiated and sustained knowledge and the importance of this in the reflective and decision-making process. The discussion of situations appealing to the student's experience and the use of simulation aims to develop critical analysis, decision-making and intervention skills in order to maximize performance and effectiveness in an area where effectiveness is decisive for the quality of care.

Bibliography (Mandatory resources)

Arsénio, A. 2012. Fármacos na Urgência revisitados (5ª ed). Coimbra: Lidel.
Esquinas, A. (2011). Princípios de ventilação não invasiva do Hospital ao Domicílio. Lisboa: Gasin Médica
Foster, J. & Prevost, S. (2012). Advanced practice nursing of adults in acute care. Filadélfia: FA Davis Company.
Gonçalves A. (2017). Reanimar-Histórias de bioética em cuidados intensivos. Lisboa: Modo de Ler.
Oswald, W. & Guimarães, S. (2014) Terapêutica medicamentosa e suas Bases farmacológicas. (6ª ed) Porto: Porto editora
Ponce, P (2013). Manual de Urgências e Emergências. Coimbra: Lidel
Ponce, P. & Mendes, J. (2015). Manual de medicina intensiva. Coimbra: Lidel.
Ponce, P. & Mendes, J (2019). Manual de Urgência e Emergência. Lisboa: Lidel
Tobase, L & Tomazini, (2017). Urgência e Emergências em Enfermagem. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan
Morton, P.G. & Fontaine, D. K. (2011). Cuidados críticos de enfermagem. Uma Abordagem Holística. Guanabara Koogan