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Agricultural Mechanics

Code: TTPIH1105    Acronym: MA
Scientific Area: Agricultural and Animal Production

Occurrence: 2020/21 - 1S

Teaching Area: Produção Agrícola - PAG


Acronym Nº de Estudantes Plano de Estudos Academic Year Credits Horas Contacto Total Hours
TTPIH Aviso n.º 2369/2016 de 25/02 5

Hours Actually Taught

Teaching - Weekly Hours

Theoretical and Practical: 4,00

Type Teacher Classes Hours
Theoretical and Practical Totals 1 4,00

Teaching - Responsabilities

Teacher Responsabilidade
António Manuel Abreu Palminha - ESA Responsável

Learning outcomes of the curricular unit (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by the students)

Aims to provide the students scientific, technical and technological knowledge in order to allow them to apply in the labor market the acquired concepts. Its fundamental the knowledge and the identification of the tractor pieces as well as it rules of use and the choice of the best options for the management mechanization of the farm.


Theoretical and practical (45H)
Application of forces and conditions of equilibrium in tractors and agricultural machines
Concepts of work, power and performance applied to tractors and agricultural machinery
Simple machines and machinery organs

Study of combustion and diesel engines; constitution, operating systems and more important systems
Engines and electric Generators
Agricultural and forestry tractors: types, formation and operation; maintenance care and use
Field work (11H)
Use in workshop and field of the agricultural tractors per unit curricular program
Tutorial (4H)

Teaching methodologies (including evaluation)

Periodic assessment: written exam (WE), a practical work / research (PW)
Conditions for admission to the final exam: being enrolled in the curricular unit.

Formula release exam: Sum of 0.8 (WE) + 0.2 (PW) greater or equal to 10 and assistance to at least 75% of classes, workshops, seminars and study visits (except for working students).

Final exam: written test

Bibliography (Mandatory resources)

Atares, P. e Blanca, A (1996):Tractores y motores agrícolas, Ediciones Mundi-Prensa, Madrid

Briosa, F. (1984) Glossário Ilustrado de Mecanização Agrícola, 2ª edição, Lisboa
Canavate, J.O. (1989) Técnica de la mecanizacion Agricola, 3ª edição, Madrid, Ediciones Mundi-Prensa
Canavate, J.O. (1989) Las maquinas de mecanização agrícola, 3ª edição. Madrid, Ediciones Mundi-Prensa
CEMAGREF (1991) Les tracteurs agrícoles. Antony, France
CNEEMA: Les materiels de fertilization de semis de plantation et de binage, 3ème edition, Antony
CNEEMA, 1981 (Livre du Maître, Tome II, 3ème partie)
CNEEMA: Les materiels de labour et preparation du sol.. 3ème edition, Antony, CNEEMA, 1981 (livre du Maître, Tome II, 2ème partir)


Teaching methodologies (including evaluation)

Practical sessions and, at least, 50% of theoretical-practical sessions will be delivered in class mode.

Theoretical sessions will be delivered in online mode, when the in class mode makes it impossible for the previous priorities.

Periodical evaluations and exams will be in class.

Notice: in case of escaalation of Covid-19 pandemic in Portugal, there may be:

1) partial or total substitution of live sessions by online sessions;

2) periodical evaluations and the exams online